Friday, October 10, 2008


T: When you know that you are going to die, your past influences the decisions and sacrifices that you make.

R: Jerry would sacrifice himself for anyone that he cared for. Therefore Jerry protected his family and friends from Rils.
E: “He had a wonderfully attractive smile, a smile which suggested that he would die in a second for whatever he believed in, in whatever place, no matter what.” (Richards, 7-8)
E: Jerry made Rils his responsibility so that he would not hurt anyone he knew. He always kept Rils in his sight and always with him.
E: When Rils came out of prison, Jerry knew that Rils was coming for him and therefore told his wife and son to leave.

R: Jerry’s past was all about abuse, but he knew not to do it to his son so Jerry protected him from his own past and from Rils.
E: “His father was Digger Bines, and he had already made a fuss at the hospital and had hit the priest.” His father was violent.
E: Wanted the best care for his son. Always going to the hospital or always wanting to get him checked out by more specialists.
E: Buying him things to make him happy like a bike sprocket.

R: Jerry’s son was dying of leukemia and it was destroying him. Jerry wanted to be better for his son.
E: He wanted William’s name changed to his mother’s. “I think we should change his name” “To what” “To your name- your name- it’d be better for the boy- better for William.”
E: He wanted to learn more about things to tell his son since he wants his son to have an education unlike him.
E: Agreed on having a book written on him to share his story.

1 comment:

komox37 said...

1. A a general rule of thumb, always mention the book and/or character in your thesis.

2. The outline is up to the job. You make good choices for your quotes.

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